Future Symposium
TBIS 2026 Qingdao University (Qingdao,China)


The College of Textiles & Clothing in Qingdao University has an extensive 71 years of history, dating back to 1950. It has  profound academic background and resources, strong scientific research strength and excellent educational achievements. The college currently has a post-doctoral research station for Textile Science and Engineering, offering a wide variety of postgraduate and undergraduate programs in the field of Textile Science and Engineering, Textile Materials, Textile Design, Textile Chemistry, Dyeing and Finishing Engineering, Fashion Design and Engineering, Design Art, Textile Engineering, Industrial Design Engineering, Material Engineering as well as Light Chemical Engineering.


Textile Engineering, Textile Chemistry as well as Dyeing and Finishing Engineering are the key disciplines in the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” in Shandong Province in China. The undergraduate program on Textile Engineering has been recognized nationally as an “Excellent Engineering Education and Training Program”; it was selected as the peak discipline of Shandong Province in 2020. The college has a State Key Laboratory on Bio-polysaccharide Fiber and Eco-textile jointly established by the province and the Ministry, the Collaborative Innovation Center of Marine Biomass Fiber Materials and Textiles, the Collaborative Innovation Center of Eco-textile as well as the Engineering Research Center of Special Nonwoven Materials in Shandong Province. There are more than ten scientific research and teaching platforms including the Shandong Provincial Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, with a total value of 87.43 million yuan in equipment. The discipline currently has 28 professors, 52 associate professors, 19 doctoral supervisors, double-appointed academicians, national specially appointed experts, national outstanding youths, experts specially subsidized by the State Council as well as new century outstanding talents of the Ministry of Education, Taishan Scholars, Chutian Scholars.


In the past five years, the university has established several national key research and development programs, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and other scientific research projects, published nearly a thousand high-level academic papers, wherein 300 were indexed by SCI/EI, and nearly 100 invention patents were authorized. It has received a second prize National Science and Technology Progress Award, 6 first prizes and 4 second prizes of Provincial and Ministerial Science and Technology Progress Awards.  The total scientific research funds amount to 100 million yuan.