Welcoming Message-TBIS 2021



Prof. Xianyi Zeng 


Conference Chair, TBIS 2020, TBIS 2021

Head of School

Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et

Industries Textiles (ENSAIT)

Roubaix, France





Welcome to ENSAIT, France

TBIS, an acronym for Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium, is a well-established international research forum to exchange scientific views and new technology developments as well as promote crossdisciplinary research from material sciences, nanotechnology, fiber sciences, textile engineering, eco technology, textile and clothing CAD, with more emphasis on interactions of human/material/environment. 


TBIS 2021 is the fourteenth in this conference series. It will be held in Roubaix, a suburban community of Lille City, in the North of France. The city of Lille/Roubaix has maintained its historical fashion tradition. In the heart of Lille, each fashion shop has its speciality, from luxury to vintage in Old Lille, to design and cosmopolitan in the trendy part of town, not to mention the bargains in Roubaix where 170 factory outlets guarantee the best the brands have to offer at the best price. But both cities also support creativity and the fashion houses bring together young stylists with unique garments inspired by French haute couture. 


Founded in 1881, ENSAIT is a fashion and technology-oriented French higher education and research institution training engineers at master level. Its research activities cover MTC (Mechanics and Textile Composites), MTP (Multifunctional Textiles and Processes) and HCD (Human Centred Design).