The Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Society (TBIS) is a charitable organization created to foster, develop and promote all aspects of science and technology in the bioengineering of materials, fibers and textiles, and to study how fibers, textiles and clothing influence human biology, medicine, behavior and health, as well as human living environments.
The TBIS organizes events including international symposium, industry workshops/forums, R&D in testing and evaluation and standards. It publishes its proceedings and an academic journal (Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics).
Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Society organize annual symposium, which is held jointly with different hosting institute at different places.
List of TBIS Symposium, 【Click here】
Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings ISSN:19423438
All accepted papers in conference proceedings will be collected and can be free downloaded. The proceedings will apply for inclusive in Scopus/ Ei Compendex. High quality papers after peer review will be selected for publication in the Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics.
Jounal: Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics
ISSN: 1940-8676
The Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics (JFBI) is an academic peer-reviewed and fully refereed international journal to promote multidisciplinary research and collaborations across different fields. The JFBI publishes quarterly to generate high-impact research outputs in terms of academic citations, industrial applications and contributions to society. All works published by JFBI are original works which do not contain any previously published research results. The types of works that JFBI publishes range from molecular to human-fiber-environment systems. The JFBI publishes with an open-access publication model, meaning that all interested readers will be able to freely access the journal online without any need for a subscription. This model is intended to promote academic exchanges and enhance the impact of research. |