Good news - Scopus / Ei-compendex -TBIS 2023 proceedings

Thank you for your great patience and support of TBIS. Today, we are happy to share three exciting pieces of news with you:


1. TBIS2023 proceedings has been indexed by ScopusFor more information, please visit: 



2. TBIS2023 proceedings has been indexed by EI Compendex.


3. Journal of Fibre Bioengineering and Informatics (JFBI), has seen an increase in its Scopus cite score from 1.5 in 2022 (32nd percentile) to 2.4 in 2023 (46th percentile). please visit:





We welcome you to submit your paper to JFBI at any time. Submission link:




Below is further information on the TBIS2023 symposium:


Below is further information on TBIS2023 proceedings:


Once again, we sincerely thank you for participating in and supporting TBIS 2023. We look forward to your continued support and participation in TBIS 2024 (Daegu, Korea, hybrid conference). We are committed to bringing you fruitful results, as with the TBIS 2023 proceedings. We look forward to seeing you at future TBIS conferences: